Building FreeBSD for BeagleBone Black

What you’ll need:

• BeagleBone Black.

• 5v power supply or Mini-USB cable.

• Micro-SDHC card 4GB or larger.

• FTDI cable


1) Download current FreeBSD image for BBB to working directory


2) Uncompress the img.xz file and burn it to the sd card
xzcat FreeBSD-12.0-CURRENT-arm-armv7-BEAGLEBONE-20180215-r329338.img.xz | dd of=/dev/sdb

Note that you might need admin rights for above command. Also, verify that your sd card is at /dev/sdb change it if it's other then sdb. In caes of unavailability of xzcat command, just install it by installing xz utils.


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